Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Social work @ Kittengessa Secondery School

My practicum at Kittengesa Secondary School has been really amazing and rewarding. We are working with a group of 12 youth to do social work projects in the community. They are working with a disability group in the village to teach english, business, games & educating them on several relevant social issues that the people of uganda face. They have been working with families in need in the villages with various projects such as farming.Today was quite an eventful social work day we did some home visits and some outreach work. WE embarked on some sustainable farming projects in two homes where both caregivers could not afford to feed their families, so we supplied them with seeds & supplies.As well we took a very sick relative to the hospital. She had a broken back and in the advanced stages of HIV. She was in so much pain and could not afford medical treatment for three months. We avocated for her with her docotor and arranged for transport with her to the hospital. The hospital was a whole nother experience so many people in tough situations and not enough doctors & nurses. The social worker & I launched into more work while at the hospital such as carrying patients into the emergency room doors and fixing iv drips. After the events I experienced today as much as I was exhausted & overwlemed I had this sense of amazement & hope watching these social work students give back to their community & the gratitude of the people recieving the support was so deep. Our next project will be this thursday the big trip to town for the youth to connect with the services & gain more support. Also they will be teaching valuable lessons on drug abuse, hiv/aids, health/nutrtion, & education. Stay tuned.Michelle

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